Programming Languages


Coding - Photo by Markus Spiske from Pexels

My first attempt at building a program in Scratch was a bit challenging as I was not familiar with the UI. I started by exploring different elements and dragging objects to the canvas but found that I could not get the elements to behave as intended. However, after watching a few tutorials, I started to understand how to create a simple program containing various elements such as sprites, backgrounds, motion, and sound. Moreover, I learned how to send and receive messages between two different objects or sprites to display messages for the end-user. The URL to my first Scratch program is During the exercise, I found that I enjoyed the simplicity of the interface and could see how powerful it can be, especially for nonprogrammers. It has the elements in other programming languages baked into the interface using simple blocks that can be dragged and dropped onto its developer canvas. When comparing the development experience between assembly, python, and scratch—scratch was the easiest. However, I felt that python was second in terms of ease but likely would be my first choice if choosing to program an application for an enterprise. Assembly was too time-consuming and cryptic compared to the other two and would not be a language I would enjoy working with day in and day out. I suppose it would not be as productive as the other two and difficult to debug. Although Scratch is also quite powerful in building programs, python is more widespread and can be used to create applications that span various use cases, e.g., servers, web applications, and operating systems. It also has many more libraries that can help with various programming tasks. The most effective language, in my opinion, is python due to its broad support by developers, extensive set of libraries, and human-friendly language that is much easier to program and debug than Assembly.
